Thursday, November 06, 2008

Steamed Leather Jacket in Hot Bean Paste

I found this paste being sold at the supermarket recently and used this to perpare a steamed fish dish. It is really convenient to use this as I just needed to get a fresh fish , put in 2 tbsp of oil, some sliced ginger pieces and added a quarter cup water to dilute the paste before pouring the paste onto the fish. I let the fish marinade in the paste for about an hour before popping the dish into the microwave oven to be steamed. For the fish, I used Leather Jacket cos the fish is meaty and smooth and has minimum bones.

Here's a pic of the fish. It is an ugly fish but the meat is very suitable for steaming. Usually it's sold in the supermarket with the head chopped off.


Family First said...

Its indeed an ugly fish but has a very "handsome"name ..dont you think .. hehehe.

Gina Choong said...

cecily, sometimes I had it pan fried by marinating it with fish sauce and a bit of cornstarch. hubby loved it this way too.

Edith said...

This fish was first introduced by my MIL. I usually panfried it. Thanks for the steaming idea. Will try it next time.

Chawanmushi said...

Hi everyone ...

family first
LOL ...I think the name is really a mouthful :-)

thanks for the suggestion :-)

You're welcome :-)

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I have seen a jacket fish with its head intact..ha ha...did you cook the head as well - how does it taste like?
Jacket fish is one of my favourite fish dishes as its bone are usually bigger and meat is tender - my hubby and kids only eat this this usual way of cooking is like Gina's - pan fried before sauteed with mushroom slices/leek/ginger.

Chawanmushi said...

hi anonymous
The fish I bought from the supermarket was headless LOL
The complete fish pic was taken from the internet :-)

Motorcycle Leather Jacket said...

First time heard about steamed leather jacket and you have posted very nice stuff about steamed leather jacket. Really appreciate this.